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Welcome to Bharat Kala Kendra

Bharat Kala Kendra is an institution for organising number of dexterous art lovers and workers of grass-root level to revive and refurnish the pure atmosphere of Indian cultural science and helps to teach the true philanthropic art of any form and also to help and enthusise poor and talented disciples of the country. Bharat Kala Kendra so shoulders a great responsibility to re-change the culture in our country. We have decided a rebel against the pollution of culture.

Among our various activities, the most remarkable are to provide proper coaching to students of different part of our country and conducting examinations for the students of our affiliated institutions, giving certificates and scholarships to the successful candidates etc. Our Kendra felicitates eminent artists and extends its helping hands to poor and talented students of our country. We are also honestly arranging career opportunities with a view to reduce unemployment by developing skill and quality in the various fields of culture.

The Governing Body of Bharat Kala Kendra is composed of eminent citizens and artists.
The welfare activity, recognition of artists, publication of quarterly journal "SANSKRITIR DARBARE  MALANCHA ", production of album " MALANCHA ", creation of video archive, publication of books,  programmes on TV "SANSKRITIR DARBAREā€ are some of the regular activities of this organization.

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Form are available from 22-09-2022
Our Services
Bharat Kala Kendra conducts examination every year in January to July session. Both Theoretical & Practical examinations are conducted in all brances.
Classical Dance
Indian classical dance is a relatively new umbrella term for various codified art forms rooted in Natya, the sacred Hindu musical theatre styles.
If you've ever dreamed of taking your singing voice out of the shower and joining the world of professional singers at Bharat Kala Kendra.
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Bharat Kala Kendra
The Official website of Bharat Kala Kendra

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Address : N.S.B.ROAD(Opp-Telephone Exchange Office)RANIGANJ,BURDWAN--713347.
Visitor: 70313
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